Your Brilliant Brand: Clear, Consistent, Rich with Meaning

Maximise the Potential of Your Most Valuable Asset

Choose the team that squeezes every drop of digital and physical potential from your brand. We immerse ourselves in your strategy, vision, and values; get to know your customers and their brand perceptions; then use those insights to develop a brand strategy that’s clear, consistent, and rich with meaning.

Everything you do or say is wrapped up in your brand. It’s your most valuable and enduring asset, with the power to drive loyalty and generate revenues long into the future.

Something that fundamental needs a first-class support team to maximise its potential and use its power to engage audiences in the physical and digital worlds. That’s what we do. We immerse ourselves in your strategy, vision, mission, values, customer profile, brand perceptions, and brand positioning. We help you chart a brand strategy that allows you to communicate seamlessly across all touch points and in every format from tone of voice to look and feel.

From designing unique visual identities to building brand toolkits, we help our clients communicate with clarity, consistency, and in a manner so compelling, it draws customers – old and new, B2C or B2B – to your product or service.

Ready to unlock your brand’s full potential?


Retail Toolkits
In branding, consistency is everything. The look and feel goes far deeper than colours, logos, and fonts; the consistent brand has a way of speaking and visually presenting itself that’s unmistakeable. And it reaches out to every aspect of communication and interaction. The retail toolkit we designed for Lyle & Scott shows how an exhaustive set of guidelines and templates can make life easier for brand teams. The L&S toolkit covered everything from fonts to photography, including retail graphics, window campaigns, product labels and packaging, ecommerce, influencer seeding, mailers, internal presentations, and product presenters. When L&S communicates, its audience knows exactly who’s speaking.
Brand Design
The successful brand knows itself and its audience. It occupies shared ground that draws brand and customers ever closer; it plays on their natural affinities. None of this comes about by accident. First comes research, followed by insights and a single-minded approach to communication. That’s what brand design does; it codifies the connections between brand and audience … intellectually … graphically … visually. Our Lyle & Scott brand book stretches from customers and heritage to product labels and ecommerce. And for Nike’s illustrated influencer campaign, we created an entire graphic world for two larger-than-life characters to inhabit. Projects like this widen the gap between your brand and its competitors.

Case Studies

A brand is the sum total of how someone perceives a particular organization. Branding is about shaping that perception.
Ashley Friedlein - Founder and CEO of Guild